With Wedge SEO, you coordinate with your tech infrastructure to tune your competitive publishing, using your middleware layer for the smart seo magic that helps sites rank in search engines, and succeed in the marketplace.
Contrast this with the risky practice of implementing SEO tactics separate from your tech stack, at the edge of the cloud (like within a CDN). This is sometimes called "edge seo", and is the cause of numerous outside-of-scope nightmares, where business, marketing, and tech people discover the hard way that someone has been messing with their rendered content after they've published it, but before it got rendered by the client browser.
Instead of deploying disconnected Edge SEO that is likely to mislead just about every other well-intentioned member of your team, try Wedge SEO instead.
SEOs need to coordinate closely with dev teams. SEOs need to understand the tech stack, and know about changes in real time.
Participate in the development conversations. Integrate SEO into the content and tech development workflows, where SEO belongs.
And if you don't have the skills or knowledge to participate as an effective SEO-focused contributor, please, get out of the way, so someone better qualified can join the team!
Submit your suggestion by email to suggest at this domain
SEO Identity
The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival - Aristotle
SEO Marketing
We shouldn't be afraid to embrace whimsy, that nagging idea that life could be magical; it could be special if we were only willing to take a few risks - Donald Miller
SEO Vision
Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world - Joel A. Barker
Noun. The act of prioritizing and perfecting minutia, in order achieve performance.